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A new work paradigm for the 21st century

The Future of Work

Work in the future will be happening in the heart of local communities everywhere

COVID-19 Best Practices in the Office

27 Mar, 2020

COVID-19 Best Practices in the Office

With COVID-19 sweeping across the globe, you're likely wondering what you need to do to keep your office safe and ensure your team's wellness. We've gathered a list of helpful tips from the CDC. 
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Should I use an iPad or iPad mini?

30 Nov, 2019

Should I use an iPad or iPad mini?

A conference room management solution requires three things: software, a mount, and a tablet. So far in your preparation to deploy a solution, you’ve selected which software meets the needs of your office and you’ve narrowed down which Powerbx mount looks best near your conference room. The last step is to determine the kind of tablet to use. With so many options, this can be a daunting task. Due to their cost and popularity, most of our clients end up going with either the iPad or iPad mini. So what are the main differences between the two?
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The Powerbx Solution to Glass Conference Room Walls

30 Nov, 2019

The Powerbx Solution to Glass Conference Room Walls

Conference rooms with glass walls are a popular feature in the modern workspace. And for good reason. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, glass conference rooms can bring in natural light, increase transparency, and make your office feel more open. But glass walls can present a challenge if you want to deploy a conference room management solution.
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