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Safe, Recognized and Supported: How Space Management Enhances Company Culture
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Safe, Recognized and Supported: How Space Management Enhances Company Culture

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Scroll through your LinkedIn feed, and you’ll likely find several posts emphasizing the importance of workplace culture. Seasoned professionals may recall organizations that hit the mark or possibly inspired Horrible Bosses. For new hires, employee treatment is a deal breaker. A survey from Glassdoor reported that 77% of respondents would consider a company’s culture before applying. The same survey also found that 65% of millennials are more likely to prioritize culture over salary.

This data is intriguing but not at all shocking. The competitive job market and struggle to retain talent have forced organizations to assess their offerings. One thing is extremely clear: culture is more than adequate compensation. It’s about compassion, values, a clear mission, and catering to the diverse needs of a workforce. 

Post-pandemic, the need to feel safe at work is more critical than ever. While remote work is here to stay, many organizations encourage or require employees to work on-site. This shift has many benefits, but employees may feel anxiety about returning to a potentially unsafe environment. Can organizations tout promises of a positive culture without taking steps to guarantee employee safety?



At Compass Group Canada, the IT team at their London, Ontario Headquarters shared this worry. One of their top concerns was ensuring that employees could collaborate in a properly sanitized space and that protocols were followed. 

Compass Group Canada enlisted the help of PowerBx to implement a practical and effective space management solution, Astro, giving them complete control and data about how their spaces were being used. 

"Astro eliminated the random room squatters and confusion with what associates had that meeting room and for how long. It also gave our cleaning staff a window to quickly clean each room before the next meeting," said Dave Clark, Sr. Network Delivery Engineer at Compass Technology.


Space management has proven to be an effective tool for keeping employees safe. Our clients frequently use PowerBx’s tools to help employees find an available meeting or presentation space, but the use cases go even further: When thinking about space management, we should consider what counts as “space” at your organization. Surely, the word “space” brings more to mind than conference rooms. 

Organizations prioritizing culture acknowledge the obvious: your employees are human and need space to be human at work. 




Many companies are investing in wellness rooms, spaces separate from the break room kitchen that give employees space to decompress. Workplace stress can take a considerable toll on employees' mental and physical health; sometimes, you just need to step away, clear your head, and return to the task at hand when you’re better equipped. Designated wellness spaces increase productivity while preventing burnout. Employees also need privacy, such as in the case of nursing mothers. Affording working mothers privacy and comfort boosts morale, supports diversity, and levels the playing field in a male-dominated workforce.



Space management isn’t just a nice accessory; it’s an investment that helps keep employees safe and satisfied. Whether it's by assisting employees in finding space to nail the presentation, relax, or nurse, companies can show they value their personnel by giving them room to be human. And in this market, a poor reputation for workplace culture is a risk many companies simply can’t take. To enhance culture and attract talent, give employees the space to feel safe, seen, and supported at work.

If you’re looking to step up your space management game to improve your organization's culture, PowerBx has a customizable solution for you. Click here to get started. 
